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Sat 20th June Candy Corner Hoskers round 2

Started by Leo Martin, June 21, 2020, 20:06:58

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Leo Martin

2020 Summer League round 2 Candy Corner Hoskers 20.6.2020
Quite a few years since we visited Candy Corner and Hoskers lake. Its had a recent makeover with extensive landscaping, pruning and cutting of trees and backside vegetation. It looks a lot cleaner and is definitely more opened up and light. 20 match pegs in place and the older one have been left in-situ but don't "count" shall we say. The pellet hut has also been relocated to the top car park which will by default increase the fisheries security. Well done.

18 bashers, and welcome back guests in Conlan Wilson and PapaKev who are both getting the Big Bash fishing bug back after their layoff. Good to see you back guys and adding even stronger match strength to the group.  Welcome back to Smiler and also Zak on his official start to the league.

So with this virus called COVID 19 still evident and some government restrictions being relaxed our own protocols remain in place for social distancing and it's good to see everyone adhering to the rules. The Paying in advance is working well and Friday evening draw very efficient and more to the point safe.  The use of PayPal also working very well indeed and for those who receive brown envelopes it must be recorded of the nice well done sticker sealing the envelopes up ?.Massive thanks to Jasper for his running the show and organisation skills, well done and much appreciated.

So with very little intel, fishery pellets were bought (2mm and 4mm for me), nets dipped and everyone heads off to the back car park to go to our pre drawn pegs. Peg 1 again near car park, much appreciated guys. Thanks you also for the assistance with my gear to and from the car.

Plan was a line across to point of island at 13m, middle of track ( 2+2) at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock, margin at top 2 to my right and a 13.5m margin to vacant peg on my left under a small overhanding bush. 
Company today was Dave Fox and Steve Guy to my right, Steve Curtis opposite on peg 20. I must say the banter and chit chat was brilliant all day long. Probably the best thing about the whole match all things considered.
So whistle sounded from timekeeper Glen and in we go. John Utting first into a fish I believe and then Wilf next to Steve Curtis. ,Dave, Steve Curtis and myself were trying hard, very hard and putting floats and bait in all the right places but no bites kept coming. All lines were being tried and tested and tried and tested again.

I had a small roach on my 2+2 line, then picked up a carp on a send line opposite to island. Dave lost one to the island as it trashed his rig in the undergrowth. Steve Curtis on a paste line to pads on his right lost two in quick succession. I then had one under the bush at 13m and an hour later 2 in quick succession then nothing. Dave picked up a couple but lost a decent one without seeing it as it found the reeds. Steve Curtis has some Paste success form the Lily pads and also a 14m margin line to his right and only one bite, one fish from point of island. It was one long frustrating day at the office.

Further down the pond, reports of fish were being caught very frequently and nets being filled readily. In my section Keith Smith was playing Russian roulette with some reeds opposite on Island bank and whilst his terminal tackle was taking a battering he was adding fish to his net on a frequent basis.

Well done to Summer league debutant Zak Lawton on his match win with 83lb 3oz. Very impressive weight on the day. Well done to section winners Keith Smith, Smiler 61lb, PapaKev and Conlan Wilson. And congrats to 2nd in sections, yours truly, Max, Jasper and a joint Steve Curtis and Andy Waite who also went swimming for his pole section.

The scales show one end of the lake better than the other and also some very good anglers struggling in their pegs to obtain bites. Very hard going to try get any interest or even fish in the pegs.

Thanks again to Jasper for his match organising, Glen as timekeeper, Steve Curtis on scales and everyone else for sticking the day out. Also for help with my tackle and to my days neighbours for the banter throughout the day which helped pass the time.
Next match in 2 weeks time at another new one, Wetlands. Please confirm and pay on with your fees. 

How did your day at Hoskers go? Tactics, baits,  method used?
Duck Hunter Extraordinaire


You said it all leo 7 bites 4 carp 3 lost, tried everything no signs no liners had 1 to island ,1 in margin 14m and 2 on lillies, not good at our end of lake,says it all when mick roche and glen have 2 fish,at least andy Waite kept us entertained  with his tangles with trees and swimming after his pole,how he managed to get a carp back after a 10 minute tangle with briers and branches was impressive, wont be returning in a hurry


Seven years since I last fished this lake.

Took three pints of casters, planned on catching anything that swims.
2 thirds across, far bank and then down margins at either side.
Sadly, Someone stole all the crucians and silverfish.
Had nothing from any of the planned lines other than three or four smallish carp across to island.
Everything else from get out of jail line 13m towards  corner.
Probably lost too many fish fishing a bit too light.
Enjoyed the day though overall.
Thanks for having me.