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Started by steve, May 01, 2020, 09:33:40

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Cracked up laughing at these Steve recon you should try something like that on the phone to Smiler :laugh: :laugh:


Oh yes Roy! I've had him on a big phone wind up.

He caught a decent pike, 35lb whilst on a trip with me and my son. You must be the only Basher that he hasn't told the story to!  Perhaps that's why you emigrated.

I said I would send the photo's and story to my contact at Angling Times, Steve Stones. Oh ah, you'll probably get one of your dodgie mates to ring me up, said Smiler. That's a good idea, thought I.
I rang A.Times , he said he'd make a feature of it in a few weeks and send him a Drennan hat.
I wrote a scrip for a friend, who was a bit theatrical. He rang him up pretending to be Steve Stones, just seen your photo, what a lovely smile you have. Can we meet? I have to come and interview you in person, perhaps we could have dinner, your smile is lovely, it reminds me of my former partner. Oh how I miss him.
All his workmates and family were in on it and encouraged me to keep it going for a couple of weeks.
Eventually the "reporter" made an appointment to meet a very nervous Smiler.
I will never forget the look on his face when I turned up😁
It didn't end there though. After I left him with my sides acheing, he got a call from the real Steve Stones from Angling Times, and assuming it was someone getting in on the wind up, promptly told him that he'd had enough and " you can f**k off!!!".


Try listening to the tiny Tim one where he phones a haulage company  :) :D :D :D
I had a season ticket once you know

Leo Martin

Poor smiler, I seem to recollect he had a similar phone experience with sir Bob Nudd.
Guy must cringe everytime phone rings
Duck Hunter Extraordinaire


Ha ha. He thought it was me pretending to be Bob Nudd. "If that's Bob Nudd I'll eat his daft white hat."
I've got a photo somewhere of Bob feeding him his white hat.  ;D


Steve it a wonder Smiler not on Valium after some of your tricks beginning to feel sorry for him ;D


Don't Roy, he's tried a few on me😀

Leo Martin

Really Steve, I find that hard to believe. He doesn't come across that type. I'm sure butter wouldn't melt in his mouth
Duck Hunter Extraordinaire