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Mid season rule change vote re fishing past next peg

Started by Leo Martin, May 13, 2019, 21:24:07

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Leo Martin

Mid-season Rule clarification discussion and vote
At the end of 2018 season AGM an amendment to the rules was voted in and passed which is mentioned in the summer guidelines.

"o.   You cannot fish past next platform either side or even if on end peg"

During the match on Willows 11.5.2019 the majority opinion from the anglers present was that the rule required amending. This comments made were taken on board by the attending committee members and it was felt that rule changes must be put to the full membership via a forum vote so everyone has a chance for a say and can cast their votes.

The general decision around the lake Saturday was that the "next platform" should be replaced by half way to the next angler.
The vote is then for the rule to stay as is currently or to adopt the following wording

"You cannot fish past halfway to the next angler. Consideration and respect should also be fellow surrounding anglers around you. Any interference to be reported to the attending committee members to be dealt with at point of time".
Duck Hunter Extraordinaire


big glen



Vegatarian is Indian for Lousy Hunter

Jack Crabtree

Just wait till I get my cataracts done


Leo Martin

7 replies
11 votes
1 vote for rule to remain as you cannot fish past next platform
10 votes for a mid season rule change "you cannot fish beyond halfway to the next angler with consideration and respect to surrounding anglers"

Motion passed and the above rule will be added to the summer league guidelines commencing at the Swan Messingham match.

Thank you everyone for your support of the committee.

Duck Hunter Extraordinaire