Big Bash Angling Club

Archive => 2019 Summer League Results => Topic started by: Leo Martin on October 05, 2019, 22:29:48

Title: 2019 round 15 Messingham Graneg Heron 5.10.2019
Post by: Leo Martin on October 05, 2019, 22:29:48
Big Bash Summer league final match Messingham Sands Heron 5.10.2019.

Very fitting as leading up to the last match of the summer league we have had bucket loads of cold rain. A couple of mid-week frosts of rain to apply a change of seasons for the fish to contend with. The trees now have a yellow tinge appearing on some of their leaves, in the water the green leaves of the pond lilies are yellowing, the bull rushes are bursting and the reeds also turning brown. Messingham Grange Heron lake a big bash favourite very fitting for the last match of our summer league. Points make prizes and everyone chasing for the esteem and bragging rights associated with our competitive league. Its been a long season, lots of highs, maybe a few individual lows but as always the company we keep makes it enjoyable for all who fish as members and guests.
Still no café so the bashers were a little spread out for food and arrived at different times. Pegging assistance from Steve Curtis who is a venue regular, thanks Steve. Draw assisted by Dave Fox and 14 anglers and 2 welcome guests (Phil Codlin and Nige Cooke) made it an easy 8 each side of the lake and 2 x sections each side as well. 16 anglers puts the lake under pressure but each angler had a spare peg to his side.
Peg 15 my office of the day can be a great peg so on arrival well pleased. Fish could be seen all over the lake so was the bashers in for a red letter day.
Recent lake weights were also good, it ends there though, Bashers don't do red letter days. The weather was an overcast dry day, very little breeze, not too cold so everything lined up that way. The fish didn't want to feed though, so I guess we knew something would be wrong.
Mike Dodd opposite with Smiler, Mike Roche to my right. Heron is a good lake for banter and chats amongst the anglers. Conversations and banter all match, best joke of the day Smiler telling us how his good friend Steve Guy used to be a Morris dancer until he had an intimate operation and had to leave. I'll let you ask Paul the details but it had me and Mike in stiches.
If my words are rambling a little it's because I've nothing to say about my fishing. 2 x 2+2 lines, margin lines 2+1 right, 2+2 left, 2 + 4 left and 2+4 to right platform. Also a bomb to chuck around the bay in front of me. First fish a carp at 11:30, second fish 1 small skimmer after another hour. 6 chub in 30 mins and a couple more bits. One lost carp and some lost rig. Whistle blown pack up thanks for coming. Mike Roche to my right caught intermittently throughout the day from numerous lines and lost a couple of large fish which cost him. Mike Dodd opposite set off well and also caught intermittently also from numerous lines. Smiler on the very shallow peg where the lakes were joined together manage dot swap and change all match to put fish in his net.
Steve Curtis back on weigh in duties assisted with Max on the score board efficiently travelled the lake and then it was back to the car park for the results.
Match winner
Max Steelcowboy Bate peg 1 50-02
Section 1 winner Nigel Cooke peg 6 49-08
Section 1 second Andy Weight peg 2 27-10
Section 2 winner Kev Indian Webster peg 10 29-14
Section 2 second Mike Dodd peg 14 15-14
Section 3 winner Mick Roche peg  17 30-09
Section 3 second Dave Fox peg 19 28-14
Section 4 winner Glen Haynsz peg 23 46-02
Section 4 second Stephen Akal AKA Steak 30-11
Well done to all the packet pickers and my fellow friends around the lake who also struggled to obtain bites.
A frustrating day for most as with fish in most swims but not feeding. Those who caught seemed to have bite and if the fish caused a disturbance they were off, just not settling down at all. A match on Osprey also had similar weights and issues maybe its that time of year where 6mm and 4mm feed pellets are replaced by Micro's?
Second bite of the Cherry challenge cup final also took place with venue regular Steve Curtis verses man in form Indian on a flier peg. Steve Curtis 24-14 and Kev Indian Webster 29-14. Well done Kevin, treat yourself to another cigar my friend
So with the summer league over for another year, we don't say goodbye we say see you again soon. The winter league kicks off soon, names being taken. There is also our fur and feather soon where prize monies will be paid out join us for some early celebrations ad carols. Also watch out for the knock ups that are now arranged frequently
The league will be updated mid week by our good friend Jasper however to help you work out your final places the points from this match are:-
Cowboy 1
Abdy w8 3
Steve Guy 4
Indian 1
Smiler 3
Mike Dodd 2
Leo 4
Mick Roche 1
Dave Fox 2
John Utting 3
Glen 1
Steak 2
Steve Curtis 3
John Lanelly  4
Next match is the long awaited deciding team match on Saturday 12th vs our good friend James Maud AC on Loco at Lindholme Lakes. We have a single point lead and are looking forward to retaining the cup again.
Special mention to our poorly Bashers, Jack threw a sick note to watch rugby, get well soon and see you on F & F. Glen and Dave Fox both also carrying injuries, rest up guys for next week's team match.
Thank you for reading, massive thanks to everyone in the club and summer league for all their support throughout the season. We go again in March, names for summer league being taken so we can judge pegging numbers. 18 names so far, closing date November.
Title: Re: 2019 round 15 Messingham Graneg Heron 5.10.2019
Post by: jasper31 on October 07, 2019, 13:03:39