Big Bash Angling Club

General Chat => Discussion Topics => Topic started by: Leo Martin on September 19, 2021, 08:37:18

Title: Emergency AGM 17.9.2021 minutes
Post by: Leo Martin on September 19, 2021, 08:37:18
BIG BASH AC remote emergency AGM on teams 17.9.2021

Attendees Jasper, John Utting, Max, Lewis, Steak, Keith & Leo (finally).

Unfortunately Teams decided to throw a wobbler so the joining links made it difficult to obtain connection.

The reason for the AGM was also mentioned after the facebook live draw however we do need a wider audience to be included in the conversation and hopefully solution to our problem.

For totally different personal reasons we find that the existing committee could be short of two members and it may affect our ability to organise and run our big bash matches.

I am not be able to commit to organise, attend or run any matches for the foreseeable future. I can update the forum etc. but unable to commit to match days input.

Jasper in the medium to long term also finds himself unable to commit to being able to support the club in the organisation required upfront and on match days as well.

Obviously both Jasper and myself hope our situations are resolved ASAP and the BIG BASH matches organisation return to business as normal.
After discussions amongst the committee our request is that in the next couple of weeks/ months we prepare for the worst and put plans in place to keep the club running and enable the BIG BASH AC matches to carry on.

The existing committee consists of Jasper, Glenn, Andy W8 and myself. We believe that we should open this up for a couple of others to help in the organisation and running of the matches. Our club is built on a reputation of a friendly helpful club and we also have the depth of experience of numerous other match secretaries, organisers and committee members from previous and existing fishing clubs.

The thread is open for discussion to see what your thoughts and views are. Also so you can think about how we move forward with our potential current problem and make plans to resolve it. It was suggested a round the table AGM, this is a good idea however historically can not have a good turn out so we would need to table a few alternatives in order to hold a fair discussion.  I myself would be unable to attend for " immunisation" reasons but if this route is chosen trust those attending to make the right decisions.

He club has seen many changes over the years from when a few guys attended knock ups. We now hold matches every 2 weeks in the summer and also have a very active winter league as well.  In-between these matches there are groups which fish together midweek and also others who fish together in other matches on the Big Bash weekend offs.

Our membership has grown from strength to strength and we have excellent attendance from its members as well as a large number of welcome guests that fish many times in our season. Whilst everyone is competitive between the hours of Glens whistles, the club is held together with a friendship built over the years and we need to try keep out matches running for everyone.

In order to do this we are asking for ideas and volunteers to ensure that our Big Bash AC matches can continue to be run and the club continue to prosper and grow.

Leo Martin
Title: Re: Emergency AGM 17.9.2021 minutes
Post by: Leo Martin on October 17, 2021, 14:25:52
Guys its been a few weeks since Jasper and myself have asked for help in running the matches going forward across the winter league and potentially 2022

We will continue to support and assist where ever possible but are asking for a little assistance going forward into 2022 in case we cannot provide the current service.

I am sure everyone is aware of both our situations by now so hopefully you understand why we are asking for some help to keep the club moving forward.

All suggestions and ideas appreciated either on the forum or please pm Jasper or myself if wanting to remain confidential.

Electronic technology, mobile phones can assist for the remote draws, payments, forum organisation and publishing of results etc. but we need feet on the ground on match days